***************************************************************** Copyright (C) Steve Koren 1988 This program may be freely distributed but not sold for profit. This notice must be included on ALL copies. ***************************************************************** NOTES ON AMIGA VERSION OF QRT: There are three executable files: QRT : the ray tracer itself QRTPost : Post processor RAY2 : Ham file creator by D. Wecker (same one as used by DBW Ray tracer. There are three steps in creating an image with QRT. First, QRT is run on an input file to produce a file with suggested extention .RAW. This file is quite large - nearly 400K - so there must be this much room on the disk. I recommend a RAM drive if you have enough memory. This file exists to maintain QRT portability across computers. Next, QRTPost is used to prepare the image for processing with RAY2: QRTPost IMAGE.RAW IMAGE.TMP The second file is the output file and must be given an entension of .TMP. This step will take only a few seconds if both files are on the RAM drive, and will result in a smaller file. The first file (.RAW) may now be deleted. Lastly, the RAY2 program (Copyright D. Wecker) is used to create a HAM image. This program is included with the DBWRender ray tracer, and does a fine job of creating HAM files, so I saw no reason to re-invent the wheel. It is run like this: RAY2 IMAGE Where Image is the .TMP file. RAY2 will create a file IMAGE.ILBM after it displays the picture. When RAY2 is done writing the HAM file (it will highlight the first pixel of each line as it writes the file, and flash the screen at the end), you may click in the close box. The resulting HAM file may be displayed with any public domain HAM display program, or modified with some paint programs. See the QRT documentation files for more details of QRT.